Part 41: What's the name of this... castle?!
Are you guys ready to cause some hilariously over the top destruction?
I hope so, because I sure as hell am!

Conveniently, Ceras is located above Lordlake so we have a pretty good view of what's happening on the river.

Not for long, it isn't!

You and me both.

Meanwhile, on the fortress... (music)
Godwin Soldier (2): Pay attention, will ya? What if they attack again? Keep your mind on the watch!
Godwin Soldier: What are you gettin' all worked up about?

Godwin Soldier (2): But putting down the rebel army and protecting the country is more important than family matters!
Godwin Soldier: You idiot! Who cares about the country if you have to sacrifice your own family?
Godwin Soldier (3): *sigh* Things were better when Queen Arshtat was alive...
Godwin Soldier (4): Yeah, that's for sure. She never would've forced us to be soldiers.
Godwin Soldier (2): All right, that's enough, you guys--
Godwin Soldier (3): Hey! What the hell is that?!

What? What?! (music)

Ehhehehehehe. (You should watch this.)



Godwin Soldier (2): It's no use! It's comin' too fast! We'll never make it!

Godwin Soldier (2): Oh, no! Here it comes!

Damn straight it does!

Godwin Soldier (2): Dammit! That ship was loaded with oil!
I'm lovin' this shit.

And so's Lun. That is the face of a pyromaniac in the making!

Logg, you awesome, hilarious, terrible influence, you.

Those barrels went flying, just as you planned!
And this scene is supposedly missing if you didn't do Babbage's sidequest. (music)

Pretty sure the rest of it still plays out the same, though, so I don't know what we really needed him for.

I'm seriously starting to dislike this guy more than Lucretia

This isn't voiced, but I left it in the video so you can watch them run around like headless chickens

Godwin Soldier: The fire's too strong! We can't get near it!
Godwin Soldier (2): Hey! Take a look at that!


Godwin Soldier: Shut up! I'm not dying here!

He runs away.

The officer decides that dying heroically by himself in the hopeless defence of the horribly named nazi fortress is something he's willing to pass on and follows the others.

The enemy soldiers are all making a mad dash to escape!

"It's called setting the fortress on fire and running, you dolt!"

Pity this isn't voiced.

Hell yeah!

The sluice controls await inside, along with an old... well, let's just say "friend" for now.

All that talk about lost body parts has made Frey nervous.

You actually get a point with her for the other choice here, which is "we don't mind," but then she's just like "thanks" and joins up, so that's boring.

And so she gets in the party again.
Well, the reserves, because she certainly hasn't picked up any weapon ranks since the last time we met.

Once she actually joins us for real, I'm gonna have my detective disrespect her privacy a whole lot. (Lym's) Big Brother is watching you

This time, we make it all the way inside without incident.


Frey does so.

It causes...

...quite the reaction.

The entire area begins to shake... (Watch this too.)

This isn't a particularly bad example of it, but it bugs me when ancient mechanisms destroy themselves when you activate them as if that's what they're meant to do. If the ancients were so fucking clever, couldn't they have made a thingy that works more than once? And don't give me that junk about how only the Chosen One could have solved the puzzle so there's no need for the thingy after that anyway. I'm not buying it.

You already got a gif of this thing freaking out and you're not getting another. Watch the video if you want to see him in motion.
(Well actually you should be watching it anyway. Go on! Shoo!)



...there we go!
Couldn't've happened to a nicer-named fortress.

Godwin Soldier (2): If we'd been over there, we'd have been washed away, too...

Plan working as intended.
Not the "not killing these guys" plan, the "make everyone love me" one. 'Course, it didn't need much of a plan.

Sploosh! (music)

If it slows down the water this much, everything should be fine.
Well fuck me, maybe the beavers aren't such a useless bunch after all!

And of course the Lordlake peeps are pretty happy about it, too.

I fucking love those two guys dancing in the background

Hey, who are you calling a spoiled brat? I've been fighting hard, you know. I'm like level 30 by now! Georg Goddamn Prime wasn't even level 30 when the game started! Show some respect.

I'm not sure what the beaver is so proud about, but hell, I'm willing to let this one go.

And I'm not sure what Frey is doing, either, but it's probably an anime thing.

Hey, you're looking in the wrong direction!

Whatever it is, it's... sparkling?

Indeed we must, and as it happens, the water has gone off to do awesome things in the river, so the stairs are now accessible!


How the hell has no one noticed this huge fucking thing before?! (music)

No stealing the credit!

Sure is, so can I get the recruitment jingle ready now?

Be my guest, but don't blame me if you get eaten by a giant two-headed snake.

Fortunately though, it looks like we've had enough ancient Sindar monstrosities for one ruin.

Plastic! makes as much sense as any other explanation you're going to get.

I like the way you think!


Meanwhile, in sunny Sol-Falena...

And the fact that she had not informed me about it implies she considered me an enemy even back then.

Finders keepers, Gizel. Mine now. You can't have it. Mine.

And no credit-stealing for you either! I haven't got a single EXP out of you, so shut your big fat mouth.

Look at that face. It's the face of a man who knows he's up against a protagonist in a JRPG.

And outside... (music)


Some time has passed since we saw the place last...

...and our people are busy making themselves at home. (music)

That waterfall's makin' my ears ring a bit, but that's the only drawback! Ga ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Why, if this weren't a JRPG, and a Suikoden of all things, I might even find it a bit suspicious!

If they are, I'll smack them one. I owe them for that dungeon anyway.


Sure we could! Well technically it would be "the ruins Castle" but don't sweat the minor details.

The flaw "Not Good At Naming Things" turned out to be worth a lot of points in Lucretia's min-maxed character build, you see.

Everyone evacuate the premises! Lyon has gone meta! I repeat, Lyon has gone meta! This is not a drill!


I know I usually ask for reader input with these things, but...

...I can't really resist this one.

Well, bollocks, then.

I guess that means I'm going to need some help before I start improvising again!